I was honestly surprised to receive a message from the manager of Bass and Bligh within a few hours of sharing my last post on facebook, here it is:
Hi Garry,
I am Justin from Bass & Bligh in Harrogate and have just read your blog.
I would like to explain the mix up in understanding we appear to have
had. Regarding the Swarovski Binoculars, it was myself you spoke to
last week, i made an error in saying we have never recieved the "SV's".
For some reason i had Zeiss on the brain and thought we were talking
about there new binocular, i always refer to the Swarovski's as "EL's"
not "SV's" This was a gunuine mistake made by myself, the annoying thing
is hat we had and still do have the new 8x32 EL/SV in stock.
We are a small inderpendant business who really enjoy looking after our
customers, we never intentionally set to mislead or lie to anyone of
our potential/existing customers, it was very upsetting to read your
opinion of the customer service you recieved from myself.
I have to say I'm not sure about the reason he gives for the mix up as I know I would have mentioned the manufacturer by name i.e Swarovski and not the Zeiss but I guess if the shop was busy or something he may have not heard me correctly so I'm happy to give them the benefit of the doubt. And I have to say I do respect the fact he took the time to respond to my post, it appears they aren't tossers but good guys, maybe they'll give me a hefty discount if I promise to write a glowing review!
12th - 21st March
5 days ago