I spend more time than most looking at seagulls and therefore see my fair share of white wingers, which is why it's pissing me off that in the biggest Iceland Gull influx in my birding lifetime I can't find any whilst my mate Frenchy is swanning around in Scotland tripping over them and seeing a few Kumlien's in the process.
I've been doing the tips and roosts when I can but drawn a blank, until today when driving down the A64 nr Scarborough tip I saw an obvious juv winger from the car but thought it looked a bit big. I pulled over and sure enough juv Glauc, fuckin ell what do I have to do to score an Iceland?
I've managed to blag myself access onto the tip at Scarborough which should ensure decent views as the birds are often very distant from the public rights of way so I was pretty fired about that until today when they informed me it's the last day of tipping it's now gonna be covered over and landscaped, BASTARD!!!!!
This is what I'd been looking forward to, it's pretty monster but can be a bit hard to see the wood for the trees as it were!
I meant to post this link ages ago but forgot all about it so have a look at this seems pretty topical as this post is all about dumps
I nearly pissed myself laughing at this and reckon all gullers have had that conversation a few times.
Anyway here's a Kumlien's I did find a few years ago, seems I'm gonna have to be satisfied with that one cos it's not looking good for this year they'll all be off back home in a few weeks
12th - 21st March
5 days ago